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Students engage with quality teaching, raising their hands and taking risks to reach their potential.


Desarrollar, Educar, Inspirar

Los Angeles Teacher Preparation Pathway (LATPP)
Unlock your teaching potential. Become a fully qualified teacher while you continue working in your school-based job. Receive coaching, financial aid, and group support. Develop skills to better serve multilingual and early learners. Make a difference in the lives of LA County’s students. 

Students thriving in a bright, engaging and thoughtful classroom.

Clear the Path

Our LA County schools have talented staff, like you. But time, costs and lack of support may be holding you back from teaching. Traditional programs might not fit your schedule or prepare you for the students you serve.  

Prompted by thoghtful curriculum, students huddle together to collaborate on their work.

The Los Angeles Teacher Preparation Pathway (LATPP)

Is designed for you and the needs of your students—building on your skills and community experience, with a focus on multilingual learners and transitional kindergarten.

Teacher facilitates student demonstration of learning.

The Need

Every child deserves a great education. Multilingual Learners (MLs) are the fastest-growing group in LA, but they're often overlooked. LATPP is on a mission to give educators like you more tools to support them.

A notecard with the site word "know" is clearly written out, pointed to by a teacher as a student learns to write.

Homegrown Talent

We meet you where you are in your career, allowing you to stay at the school where you currently work, serving students in your own community.

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